Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bright Blues to match his Baby Blues

...or "Hearing Aids and a One Year Old"

So, as most of you who follow Jedrek's caringbridge site know, we now have hearing aids for our 17 month old. At this point we are just trying to acclimate Jedrek to the hearing aids at home before we venture out in public with them. So, since it may be a while before you all get to see Jedrek in person with the new "bright blue" hearing aids, here are some pictures:

These are by far the most expensive accessory anyone in our family has ever owned, so we are are taking extra precautions to make sure they are not lost! The hearing aids came with this cord which clips onto Jedrek's clothes and should catch the hearing aids if they fall out. So far it has probably saved us 4.7 hours of time in searching for the hearing aids based on the number of times they have "popped" out of his ears (in just two days)!
This is a close-up of one of the hearing aids.
This is the whole "contraption" for now (until Jedrek is older and we don't need to worry as much about the hearing aids falling off.)
The hearing aid kit even came with this toy Otter who has his own hearing aids!
And here is what Jedrek thinks of the whole thing!
Actually, he almost always puts on that cheesy grin when a camera gets close. So far, Jedrek doesn't seem to mind the hearing aids too much, but he has only had them in for short periods of time for a couple of days. I guess we will see...
One hearing evaluation: $200
One set of bright blue hearing aids: $4,590
One healthy baby Jedrek: Priceless!

1 comment:

Jennifer Jo said...

They look very nice.